Friday 8 November 2019

How To Upload and Send Large Files From SBCGlobal Mail

When it comes to reliable modes of communication, email comes right at the top of that list. The ability to provide a secure pathway for the information to transfer from one location to another makes email services the most preferred choice of communicating.

If you are using an email service that too SBCGlobal, then you has chosen the right email service as it has the safest servers that guarantee a fast and secure method of communication. Although, when the communication involves big files, then things change dramatically.

There is a certain limit that an email service provides to its users beyond which they won’t be able to upload files. If you have been trying to send a few files within an email, but are not able to do so, then there could be a possibility that the size of the attachments is more than the prescribed value.

Steps to Upload and Send Large Files from SBCGlobal Mail
1.       At first, you require opening your Sbcglobal email by logging it and for logging; you need to enter your email address as well as the password of it.
2.       If you are sending a new email or replying to emails to someone the steps to add a file to an email are the same.
3.       For that, you require going in the Compose pane and need to choose the paper clip icon which is next to the Send button.
4.       In the selection window, you require to browse to choose the file which you like to attach and then choose open or you can simply double-click. As per depending on your browser you can also be able to choose multiple files at once using the Ctrl key of your keyboard.
5.       When your selected file has been uploaded then an image or icon of the file will appear at the bottom of your message where you can check the file size by hovering over the attachment.
6.       When you are ready to send your message then you just require to choose a “Send” button which has a blue color background in it.
7.       In case if you mistakenly added a file or you add the wrong one for sending an email then you can remove it by hovering over the attachment and selecting the black X that appears.
8.       For removing all the attachments you simply require to choose Remove All above the attachments area.

If you have any questions and queries regarding email not working then please feel free to contact the sbcglobal email login.

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